Micro Enterprise Loan

This type of loan shall be extended to micro enterprises for business activities like petty trade, service, and manufacturing and processing etc through individual service delivery methods. The loans will be extended to growth oriented micro enterprises for working capital or for expansion purposes. Micro enterprise loan clients have been engaged in viable micro business activities that may or may not have valid license.  

Small Enterprise Loan

Small enterprise loans shall be extended for small enterprises of business activities like trade, service, and manufacturing and processing. This loan product shall be extended to the target groups through individual service delivery methods. The loan will be extended to growth oriented small enterprises for working capital or for expansion of their business. Small enterprise loan clients have been engaged in viable small business activities that have a valid license for the period.  

Household Loan

Loans to households target the need to acquire household items such as furniture and fixture, kitchenware like washing machines, cooking utensils, refrigerators, people who want to pay advances for acquiring condominium houses, electric equipment like solar system and bio-gas etc. This loan product shall be extended through individuals, well recognized organizations/ companies, and permanent employees.

Employee Loan

Basically these loans comprise to salaried individuals employed by government organizations, NGOs, and private companies. In approving loans to individual employees, decisions will be made taking into account the specific needs of the applicant, salary level, and the employer’s commitment to deduct the monthly installments from the borrower’s salary. These types of loans shall extend to employees for payment of school free & purchase of school materials, medications, weeding, etc.

Special Loan

Special loan is a short term loan for the maximum period of six months which is installment base and target only eligible organizations and individuals

Special loan product shall be extended to eligible organizations and individuals   through individual service delivery methods for working capital, payments for revenue and customs Authority, payments for ownership transfer, Salary payments, Rent payment, Utilities cost, insurance premium, new organizations establishment capital, School fee payment, Medical expense and others short term payments

Ashagari Loan

 Ashagari loans is a loan type used to cover ordinary living expenses over the course of months, unexpected emergencies over the course of weeks. Generally the loan is provided to solve financial emergency situations occurred during ten to twenty days of the month which is off period for salary payment

The loan is designed to be quick and easy and generally have very limited qualification loan requirements targeting permanent employee of governmental and known non-governmental organizations and also short-term secured loans that are supposed to be repaid on the next person’s payday.

Solar/renewable energy loan

Solar energy loan designed to provide responsive and affordable credit for beneficiaries who are willing to purchase solar PV in short and medium loan term at grid and off-grid areas in collaboration with lead initiators or coordination units of private and public partners.  The credit is provided  mainly for lighting purpose and related services like; charging mobile, radio, solar TV, solar water pumps, water heaters, refrigerators to upgrades living standards, improve households social tie, assist children’s education (reading and writing)