Debo Micro Finance Institution (DMFI) was established and registered by the National Bank of Ethiopia on August 3, 2017 as a share company fulfilling the requirements of proclamation No.626/2009 and the directives of the National Bank of Ethiopia, the authorizing body to license and supervise MFIs in the country.

The institution is a private microfinance Company which is established by 27 shareholders with a paid up capital of Birr 10,350,000and licensed by the National Bank of Ethiopia on August 2017. The operation was started in February 2018 by opening one branch in Addis Ababa Bole sub city.

The shareholders of  Debo MFI are committed and motivated private investors who put in their resources to provide financial services to targeted clients on commercial basis.


Debo MFI is expected to provide innovative and sustainable financial services to micro and small enterprises, individuals, and institutions to achieve maximum satisfaction in terms of business and economic wellbeing.


Debo MFI envisions being leading microfinance institution in the country identified with the provision of innovative, efficient, and sustainable financial services to its target market which are basically small entrepreneurs, farmers, growth oriented enterprises, and individuals.


We passionately dedicate ourselves to generate a quantum transformation in the live of women, farmers and our overall clients.

Equity and equality

  We adhere to the values and principles of equity and equality in all our engagements with our clients and stakeholders


We encourage consultative engagements in all our pursuits, which are meant for changing the live of our target groups.


We are non-partial, non-political, non-religious and non-ethnic in dealing with our clients, partners and stakeholders.


 We support, encourage and engage clients to participate by taking initiatives to change systems independent of external institutions.


We are flexible in utilization new approaches and modalities in the provision of our services as well as involved in a continuous learning process.


We accomplish our task with sense of urgency since our clients do not afford to wait longer.

What makes us different

Experienced Experts

On time delivery

Variety services and products

Great customer satisfaction


The general objectives are to mobilize financial resources from its customers and the general public and in return facilitate investment in profitable businesses that would contribute to the improvement of customers’ businesses and economic status. The specific objective shall be to mobilize saving deposits, operate credit line for big financers, mobilize fund from development partners, and extend credit and other related financial services to its customers. More specifically, Debo MFI’s objectives will be

specific Objective

  • Mobilizing both voluntary and compulsory saving deposits.
  • Extending credits on commercial basis to businesses, individuals, farmers, and institutions that are eligible to access financial services from the MFI;
  • Operate Micro-insurance services;
  • Purchasing income-generating financial instruments such as treasury bills and other short term instruments as may be determined appropriate by National Bank of Ethiopia;
  • Acquiring, maintaining, and transferring any movable and immovable property including premises for carrying out its business;
  • Supporting income and profit generating projects of its customers; through rendering managerial, marketing, technical and administrative advice and training to customers and assisting them to obtain services in those fields;
  • Providing financial leasing services to its eligible clients in accordance with Capital Goods Leasing Proclamation No.103/1998;
  • Fund management services and
  • Providing local money transfer service.